V šolski knjižnici novogoriške gimnazije je Info točka EP, kjer dijaki in obiskovalci izvedo marsikaj zanimivega o EU. Na voljo so politike EU, ki kratko in razumljivo predstavljajo dejavnosti EU na različnih področjih politik, razloge za njeno ukrepanje in dosežene rezultate. Na voljo so tudi številni letaki, revije, brošure, časopisi, ki EU in njene inštitucije približajo bralcu.


Junior Ambassadors set up an EP/EU Info Point in the school library, where students and visitors can get information and learn a lot about the European Union. You can get answers to all your questions and information on the European Union. The Info Point has a wide selection of publications and brochures, magazines and newspapers that bring the EU and its institutions closer to the reader. We hope to welcome you soon in our Info Point.

Nina Bučinel, Sara Čebron