Naši dijaki, kandidati za ambasadorje EP so pripravili prvo oddajo slovenskih šol ambasadork na radiu Capacité audio Europarl. Čestitke Lei, Kaji, Jaki, Miji, Domnu, Jani, Katarini Viktoriji in Eneju!
Oddaji že lahko prisluhnete na njihovi spletni povezavi.

Gimnazija Nova Gorica has been chosen as the first Slovenian school taking part in the Ambassador School Programme to create a radio programme, which was broadcast in Slovenian, English, French, Italian and German on 13th May at 09:00 and 14th May at 18:00.

Lea, Kaja, Jaka, Mija, Domen, Jana, Katarina Viktorija and Enej, the candidates for Junior EP Ambassadors, offered the audience an insight into the activities our school has been involved in since it was awarded the status of European Parliament Ambassador School in June 2017.

You can listen here:

Nina Bučinel, Sara Čebron